Praktica And Prakticamat Guide: The Praktiflex, Praktica, FX, FX2, FX3, F-X2, IV, IVB, IVF, IVFB...By W. D. Emanuel 1969
By W.D. Emanuel. (1969).
Third Edition. Focal Press. Soft-cover, 4 3/4 x 6 1/2", 72 pages, B&W
illustrations. How to use The Praktiflex, Praktica, Praktica FX, FX2, FX3, F-X2,
Praktica IV, IVB, IVF, IVFB, IVBM, VF, VFB, Praktica Nova, Praktica Nova B,
Praktica Nova 1 and 1B, Praktica Super TL and Prakticamat Cameras. Book is in
good condition. Cover has rubbing and light soil from shelf life.