A Short Course in Nikon D70s and Nikon D70 with firmware upgrade 2.0 by Curtin - PLUS Book on CD


Published 2005; Laser printed; Spinal-Bound, 139 pages; 8-1/2 x 11", Black & White Illustrations. PLUS book on CD.

This easy to understand book is your guide to getting great photos with you Nikon D70s or the almost identical Nikon D70 upgraded with firmware 2.0.
It sweeps away unnecessary complexity and explains - in simple words - what you really need to know to use your camera's controls.

Chapter 1:
Camera Controls and Creativity: Learn how to take pictures in fully automatic point and shoot mode and how your camera captures digital images. See how to play back and manage your images; use buttons, dials and menues and control image size and quality

Chapter 2:
Controlling exposure: Learn how to use all the camera's exposure modes and exposure controls to get photos that show the scene exactly as it is, or as you want to interpret it.

Chapter 3:
Controlling Sharpness: Learn how to control sharpness in your photographs and how to use focus, depth-of-field, sharpness, softness and blur creatively.

Chapter 4:
Capturing Light & Color: Learn all about light and color and how to use them cratively. Understand how they change throughout the day and seasons, how they affected by the weather, and how light's derection and quality affects highlights and shadows. See how to set your camera's white balance to capture colors the way you see them.

Chapter 5:
Understanding Lenses: Learn how to use your lenses and lens accessories creatively when photographing scenery, interiors, and people. See how wide-angle, normal, telephoto, and macro lenses affect your images. Learn how to get close-ups of small objects using macro lenses and flash.

Chapter 6:
Using Flash and Studio Lighting: See how to creatively use your camera's built-in or external flash both indoors and out and in good light and bad. Explore special techiques such as full and slow sync flash. Learn about controlling flash exposures using flash exposure lock and flash exposure compensation. Learn how to use table-top and studio lighting to get great product shots and portraits with simple setups.

Chapter 7:
Other Features and Commands: See how to shoot continuously, bracket exposures, white balance and flash, control image qualities such as tone, sharpness and hue, select color modes, and use the setup, custom settings and playback menus.

PLUS Book in full-color Adobe PDF format. Easy to search, print, carry, read and project
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